VuCommerce Store - Fullstack app with beautiful, accessible components from Vuetify library, styled with Tailwind CSS
Nuxt 3 Full stack (SPA-SSR) quick start template that pre-includes the Pinegrow Nuxt Module, Vuetify, Pinegrow Vuetify Plugin and other goodies for Vue Designer. This template uses the amazing Vuetify component library and features an eCommerce store, where data is fetched via APIs server by server routes (Nitro-powered).
Demo -
Vue Designer
A desktop visual editor for Vue apps supporting Mac, Windows, and Linux by Pinegrow. Take it for a free trial at Vue Designer!
It lets you visually design 🎨 your Vue single file components and boosts your productivity and creativity while building your component-based Vue apps.
It smartly integrates with your ⚡️ Vite based CLI and provides an amazing developer experience with its powerful visual controls and features.
Clean code 😃, No lock-in - You are in control of your projects and development workflow ❤️
Try it now!
1. Clone to local
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history
npx giget@latest gh:pinegrow/pg-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss my-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss-app #project-name
cd my-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss-app
npm install #or use pnpm
If you prefer a minimal template (a single empty home page) instead,
npx giget@latest gh:pinegrow/pg-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss#minimal my-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss-app #project-name
cd my-nuxt-vuetify-tailwindcss-app
npm install #or use pnpm
2. Open in Vue Designer
Open your project in Vue Designer and follow the instructions displayed in the Config Panel (that should pop out automatically). Config Panel ⚙️ displays the key packages and the various links to their individual ecosystems and communities.
Start your development server
npm run dev
npm run build # SPA SSR,
npm run generate # SPA SSG (full-static)
npm run analyze # bundle sizes
npm run now # build & preview
npm run unlighthouse # Uses npx unlighthouse from to run lighthouse on entire site (all pages)
Deploy to Netlify
This project is built and deployed as a fully static site (SSG with npm run generate
), with no API calls made from the client side. To build it as an SSR app, update the Nitro preset in nuxt.config.ts
and build with npm run build
You can deploy this repo as a site on your own to explore and experiment with, by clicking this button.
Check out the deployment documentation for more information.
Meta Framework (Vue-based)
- Nuxt - The Intuitive Vue Framework
- 👉 Follow the Nuxt docs for the amazing list of features.
- 🚦 Nuxt-Router, based on the official Vue-Router and enables file-based routing.
- SSR friendly
composable to share state across components.
UI Frameworks
- Vuetify - Hundreds of beautifully handcrafted Vue components, easily customizable with a powerful set of utilities, composables and directives.
- 👉 Note: This template turns off Vuetify utilities, and instead use Tailwind CSS instead for styling.
- Tailwind CSS - The amazing utility-first CSS framework.
- 👉 Note: This template turns off Vuetify utilities, and instead use Tailwind CSS instead for styling.
- ACTION REQUIRED: In order to resolve Vuetify's !important in default theme, tailwind.config.ts includes (currently commented-out) the
important: true
- Nuxt Vuetify Module - This zero-config Nuxt module helps you set up Vuetify in your Nuxt application in seconds. Provides an amazing abstraction over the necessary setup enabling automatic tree-shaking, ability to use Pure CSS icons (UnoCSS Preset icons), supports Nuxt layers and hooks, and more...
- 👉 provides a new icon-set for Vuetify called
. In order to use all iconsets in Vue Designer's icon-picker, follow the instructions displayed in Vue Designer's Config Panel under the Icon Picker tab. Also refer to the nuxt module's official documentation here.
- 👉 provides a new icon-set for Vuetify called
File-based CMS (markdown)
- Nuxt Content - file-based CMS powered by Markdown & Vue components. Note: This page is a markdown file 🗒.
- UnoCSS Preset Icons - use over 100,000 open-source Iconify icons. Uses the unocss format for icon names, for example,
. Note: The above Nuxt Vuetify module easily integrates UnoCSS Preset Icons into your Vuetify components with no effort.
- Pinegrow Nuxt Module - enables you to live-design your Vue single-file components visually in Vue Designer.
- Pinegrow Vuetify Plugin - via Design Panel, enables theme customization (optional) and visual controls for Vuetify utilities. Note: This is an addon that's licensed separately to Pinegrow apps (like Vue Designer).
- Pinegrow Tailwind CSS Plugin - via Design Panel, enables visual controls customization (automatic) and theme customization (optional).
- VueUse - collection of essential Vue composition utilities.
- 🍍 Pinia stores for global state management via the
@pinia/nuxt module
. Its light-weight, type-safe, extensible, modular with vue-devtools support. - VeeValidate takes care of value tracking, validation, errors, submissions and more.
- Nuxt Image - Plug-and-play image optimization for Nuxt apps.
- Nuxt SEO - Amazing collection of hand-crafted Nuxt Modules for all SEO needs with a unified site config. Includes
.- OG images and nuxtseo features can be previewed with nuxt-devtools during development. OG images can also be viewed using URL in this form -
- OG images and nuxtseo features can be previewed with nuxt-devtools during development. OG images can also be viewed using URL in this form -
- Nuxt Devtools - Enhance your DX (developer experience) with an amazing set of in-app features.
- Vue Devtools - Official devtools that can be used as a standalone app alongside Vue Designer. It's configured as a Nuxt plugin (only during development).
- ACTION REQUIRED: Currently deactivated. In
, uncomment to activate.
- ACTION REQUIRED: Currently deactivated. In
VS Code Extensions
- [VS Code Extensions](./.vscode/extensions.json & ./.vscode/settings.json)
Coding Style
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint with @nuxt/eslint Nuxt ESLint module that adopts ESLint 9 with a new flat config.
- Prettier with eslint-config-prettier - format without conflicting with eslint rules.
This project allows JS, and strict mode is turned off. Update tsconfig.ts
as required.
"extends": "./.nuxt/tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"allowJs": true,
"strict": false